Yui Tsuji
Material Chemistry
Small-angle scattering, Light scattering, Gel, Elastomer, Rheology
tsuji.yui.3p at kyoto-u.ac.jp
I focus on the correlation between structure and physical properties of materials, especially soft materials, using mechanical tests such as dynamic viscoelasticity measurements and tensile tests, and structural analysis using scattering measurements using X-rays, neutrons, light, etc.
Currently, I am conducting research on strain-induced crystallization (SIC) of rubber, which is a self-reinforcing mechanism for natural rubber. SIC is a phenomenon in which when rubber is deformed, the polymer chains consisting for the rubber become oriented and elongated, transforming into crystalline form and increasing mechanical strength (Figure 1). In recent years, the role that small amounts of impurities (lipids, proteins, etc.) contained in rubber play in SIC has gradually become clear. Focusing on this, I am conducting the study to clarify the chemical mechanism by which impurities, especially proteins or peptides, contribute to SIC.
Additionally, I plan to conduct research on natural spider silk and scattering measurements on spider silk proteins in the near future.